Tuesday, August 18, 2009

being present with all the little details

I have really been enjoying this process and Carleens insights into choreography vs. improvisation. Sometimes I find myself caught between these two worlds. And there is overlap...its being present that is the most interesting.

How can I bring more of a sense of improvisation into choreography. Improvisation allows me to respond, to sense, to listen, and to allow my instincts to take the reign. I have always felt more at home and "alive" in improvisation. I think the state of awareness that I find in improvisation i something that can be brought into choreography more and more. How do you take material and make it fit on you or make it your own even while including all the little details of what makes a phrase "a phrase". Feeling my whole self in unified action, carving space, and staying "cool" i think are things I am going to try to stay present with.

Choregraphy is like a map, a map of action, a condensed story and maybe a seemless thought out poetic statement. It doesnt define reality and the present moment but I enjoy choreography for its beauty. It allows me some sense of awareness and clarity on another level to be able to connect to myself, my body, be mindful, in control, and navigate through space with a higher awareness of technical presence which takes practice.

I am enjoying all the little details. I am feeling a sense of soft focus....

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