Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Some bit of closing.

As much as I'd like this to continue, it may be in another sort of incarnation.  The project was performed Friday night- video to be uploaded soon.  Wonderful experience, with lots of learning for me as to the nature of letting go.  For me the key was to be active in remembering my purpose, desire, and needs for the showing and for the process.  As long as I was in the place of clarity, joy, experimentation, trust, and in the arena of finding my dancing voice for the moment, I was succeeding.  I re-affirmed my love of dancing and performing, alone and with others.  I found the fun in the dance, I found places of ecstatic dancing where I truly experienced dancing moments for the first time.  I surprised myself, and allowed for surprising.  Of course there are things I'd do differently, and these things became so everclear as we were dancing.  I also got a window into myself as a leader/participant.  

And the wheel rolls on, the task changes, and I'm thinking about ways of continuing my dancing life, figuring ways of remaining vested in the community that are genuinely me. 

1 comment:

  1. "And the wheel rolls on, the task changes, and I'm thinking about ways of continuing my dancing life, figuring ways of remaining vested in the community that are genuinely me."

    Love you leeners! Make sure you send me a link to the video when it's up (my regular email).

    Broseph Matthias
